FDC - Put It In Your Chest (199x)

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Description: http://www.choppedherringrecords.com

Deep Concentration Camp - The Aggravated Vaults 93-95 EP

Credits: All tracks produced by A.C Smooth for Groovy Nega Category - AC
Publishing (ASCAP). A1, B1, B2 & B3 recorded in 1994. A2 recorded in 1993.
A3, A4 & B4 recorded in 1995.

Price is £19.99 + shipping (6.50gbp in Europe or 8gbp in USA/Oz/Asia)
There will be 350 copies pressed ONLY.

The first 75 are on mixed Transparant Green/Transparant Blue vinyl.
The next 75 copies are Purple/White/Pink vinyl
And the remaining 200 are on traditional black vinyl


Category: RAP US
Date: 2016-02-18
Playlists: 1
Uploader: Rap Digga ( UPLOADS | PLAYLIST | PROFILE )