Yegebu - The Ride

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Description: Life's Summery details a single day in the life of a teenager. Each song follows the main character (played by Zack Kiszka) through a segment of his day, from waking up until he finally crashes. Summer, as presented in the album, is a time of great freedom characterized by heightened sexuality and drug usage. The beginning and ending of each song has skits which serve to set up the song and transition into the next song.

The Ride follows Zack as he finally makes his way out of his home and into the summer day, determined to enjoy the day in some way, but without a concrete plan of where to go and what to do. The three verses in the song each describe the sensation of simply driving around aimlessly and basking in the bright sights of summer, proving that the atmosphere of summer itself is enough to promote fun even without a thing to do.

Category: RAP US
Date: 2015-03-28
Playlists: 0
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